Thursday, August 7, 2008

RioGym // So many masks

Oh man, so after months (weeks, I just unwittingly exaggerated) of passing RioGym, I decided to pay the R$10 daypass fee last night and go. My leg's being kind of a pain (HA good one am I right?) and getting really sore when I run or do anything high-impact, and I figured a foreign gym would be an experience in itself. I was right!

I stepped into a spinning class, something I've never done. It turned out to be THE most intense fitness class I've ever taken. Harder than Russ, harder than Shelly, harder than crazy cardio-kickboxing lady. It was additionally confusing trying to comprehend instructions beyond the pulsating music (it's easier to push when you know the end is coming but I had no idea). Also, the instructor turned out the lights to add to the intensity. And I didn't have a towel. But Sandstorm was on the playlist. Anyway, I felt like throwing up several times which is an effective workout, and my leg didn't hurt while I was biking AND the class was next to a thai boxing class with a lot of attractive men so it was worth the pain. Mounted on the wall of the weight room were large sculptures of ideal torsos: a front of ripped abs and pecs for men, and the backside of a woman with a HUGE butt. Also everybody wears spandex here to work out and the music was far better than (they played Lil' Wayne!).

Today I made masks with the children. The morning class took their time, spending the entire two hours adding intricate details to theirs. The afternoon class threw glue and glitter everywhere and kept asking for more masks (each left with about four).

Kassia decided she needed two masks at once.
His was actually quite scary. It looks like Squidward from Futurama or the Elephant Man.

The one without a mask sticking her tongue out is my new co-volunteer, Danielle. She's 27 and from South London and has a forreal Cockney accent.

I know this is blurry but how cute right?!

Also we watched the opening ceremony of the Olympics in the background; I didn't realize how long it was. Or how awesome. And I'm sorry, Project Runway, but not all the costumes look "athletic." Would the Japanese women really compete in those dresses? Brazil's athletes had really stupid hats, and you could tell some of the younger competitors were a little embarrassed because they took them off and waved them.

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