Wednesday, July 30, 2008


On my way home from work tonight, I got on the bus like usual and was sitting by myself (Anthonette didn't go today). The kids had been horrendous this afternoon so I was kind of exhausted/preoccupied; I noticed the bus had stopped but didn't pay attention to why until I was tapped and looked up to see three armed police officers staring at me. One of them asked me a question which I of course didn't understand. I guessed that he asked "where are you going" because I heard "onde" so I answered "Praca Tiradentes" which is where I catch the second bus. This annoyed him, so I quickly told him I didn't speak Portuguese which annoyed him even more. I then figured out that he was asking where I was coming from and so responded the next time he asked "Mangueira," the name of my favela. (It didn't occur to me to lie to this police officer, and even if I had the presence of mind to, I don't honestly know any less-questionable spots beyond the favela where I could have hopped the bus.) Anyway, the policeman then made me get off the bus, pointed me a spot on the sidewalk while the bus drove away, and thoroughly searched my person and my bag. I, meanwhile, was using my limited, limited Portuguese to explain that I was at the favela as a volunteer teacher (forgot how to say "teach" which didn't help) and that I lived in Gloria (which is a fairly nice side of town). Of course I didn't have my ID to back up my story that I was American (we were told not to carry it, even a paper copy, into the favelas) and of course it didn't help that I was carrying pepper spray. The whole time I was also terrified that the police (who are almost always corrupt) would just take my camera or expect me to bribe them just to get home. Anyway, the cops were eventually satisfied that I didn't have drugs (though the two other girls that got pulled off the bus definitely did) and told me I'd get another bus. When I asked why I'd been searched/what was going on, one of the police officers responded "because you're coming from Mangueira." Shiiiiiiiit.

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